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Project Supported: CA000003
Prisoner Name: Kelly Belly
Required Minimum Total Bail: $ 1000
Current Actual Total Bail: $70
Project Title: Bicycles for a children's residence
Proceeds Used For:
buying bicycles for use by the children who live in our residence
Project Description:

Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre is a children's mental health centre committed to promoting and strengthening the emotional and social well-being of children from birth to age twelve, and their families, through a varitey of prevention, intervention and treatment services.

One of these is residential treatment, provided at Aisling House, where up to eight children may live for several months or a year.

We'd like to provide bicycles for the use of these children, to make it easier for them to get adequate fresh air and exercise, and to play together in a healthy way.

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