School Initiative

St. Agatha Jog-A-Thon
Proceeds Used For:
financial support for school excursions, presentations and sport fees.

The St. Agatha Jog-A-Thon is a school fund-raising initiative held annually. A committee of staff and parents work diligently over the summer months to plan for this annual fundraiser for the school. Many great prizes are secured for this event.

Saint Agatha Catholic School was built in 1964. In 1985, the school was designated as an Early French Immersion School. The unique blend of French and English continues to enhance the diverse nature of the school family. St. Agatha offers high academic standards mingled with a wide variety of physical education and other extra curricular programs. Our Catholicity permeates all our daily activities and helps us offer our students a balanced, positive and productive learning experience. The values, traditions and morale which give our school its identity are continually nurtured by a dedicated and devoted staff and an equally dedicated Parish Priest. We have many excellent parent and grandparent volunteers who make an invaluable contribution to the school. Our Catholic School Advisory Council is proactive and works hard with us towards a common end: the betterment of St. Agatha students' Catholic education.

St. Agatha Catholic School is located in Scarborough, Ontario in Canada.
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